Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Paranormal Activity 2 (critiqued by yours truly)

Watch the Trailer
Let me preface this by saying;

If you can handle horror movies, and personally feel somewhat superior to your squeaky, skittish friends (like I did) - Don't use this one as proof.

If scary movies perfectly achieve the desired effect on your psyche, but that's why you like them - Go crazy.

And if you don't like horror at all - I won't even mention not seeing it - but don't even enter an abode belonging to people that own the dvd. Just leave. They might suggest ordering pizza. Then they'll want to watch something while they eat. Ticking bomb, dude.

I've always told people that The Ring was the last movie to make me jump or even ignite a slight uncomfortable edge in my day. I am now changing that statement to "Can I sleep on your couch or something cause it's dark outside."

Seriously though, if you're into thrills, this one is THE MOVIE to go see. And with a crowded theater filled with people you don't know, after you scream and cry together like that? You're a family.

My one warning; BRING YOUR FRIENDS.

Adaptation of my one warning; If you have the dvd, go to a friend's house.

If you've seen the first one, please don't judge the sequel for it. I will say that the first one made me fall asleep several times. And it was full of unnecessary language and sexual references and all around unrelatable people. The bright side of seeing the first one, is that the second is a prequel. So it kind of explains in depth what the crap was going on up in there.

If you haven't seen the first, it honestly isn't too crucial to PA2. So save your day the two hours of misleading horror (not the kind you thought!) and go buy Toy Story 3.

I won't say much more because the story line is preeeeeetty freaking straightforward.

As a Cheez-It, this movie was 90% Real Cheese. If you're into that genre of film, it definitely does what you pay it to do. And let's all thank God it's not in 3D.

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