Friday, October 8, 2010

Donnie Darko (critiqued by yours truly)

Donnie Darko is a story about a (possibly schizophrenic) boy in high school who is approached by this guy about the near-ending world. If that guy scared you, don't worry - while this movie is NOT for the kids (there's quite a few scenes where the script just bathed in the F bomb, I'm not totally sure why, it wasn't necessary) - it's not a horror movie, for those of you who get spooked easily. I mean, his name is Frank the Rabbit. Just keep that in mind if he freaks you out.

So what've we covered? Schizophrenic boy, a bunny, then there's a jet engine that falls into a house, Ashley Tisdale (one small speaking part - no joke), that dude who plays Spencer from iCarly (also just one small scene), and Halloween.  Antics ensue.

This is one of the most thoroughly discussed cult-classic movies I've ever come across. There are heated debates all over the web over what really happened in this exquisitely complex storyline. I'll be honest, I paused it once or twice to smooth my wrinkled brain. I had to look up the plot summary after I watched it. Still didn't totally get it.

BUT most hardcore fans of the film say that's the point. The confusion and that feeling of missing something - That's the message. That's the reason the story is so mesmerizing. And after witnessing this unique story, I'd like to see you disagree. In fact, the director had second thoughts, and included the Director's Cut in the Blu-Ray (I dunno about the DVD version) that explains the story in a more palpable way. But, it's utterly detested by Darko fans. It ruins the "How does Santa deliver ALL those gifts in one night" magic of the whole experience.

If you've never seen or heard of this movie I have one thing to say.
Jake Gyllenhaal stars in it.
Exactly. So watch it. It's on Netflix instant watch. You got no excuse.

I usually review (look at me saying "usually" like I've written more than one) new movies. But I was specifically requested to critique this one, and I happily obliged.

I say it's, as a Cheez-It, 80% Real Cheese. It's definitely worth the view. Have great days with varying degrees of greatness.

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