Saturday, October 9, 2010

You Again (critiqued by yours truly)

I can't say enough about how awful this movie was.

Watch the Trailer...Or Don't.

Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars, Heroes, Forgetting Sarah Marshall) stars as the misunderstood "loser" from high school, who mostly gets picked on by Odette Yustman (Cloverfield).

Now, years later, Kristen's brother is marrying Odette. Because of this, we find out in an outlandish plot twist unforeseen by all that Odette's mother, Sigourney Weaver was Jaime Lee Curtis' high school rival as well! Oh my!

Kristen Chenoweth was in this, too. Her character was very badly constructed and she cameo'd only once or twice. Also, Betty White was in a few scenes. Which is apparently enough to be on the promotional poster for her.

The movie featured a technique called Mickey Mousing. Basically at any one time in a scene, there was reactive music played in the background. Which, once noticed, can never be unnoticed.

There's not much else to say about this one. The sparse feel-good scenes lasted about six minutes altogether. Most "funny" bits were extremely hackneyed.

Please do not see this movie just because of the almost all-star cast. I was mostly disappointed that they had to be involved in this terrible production. Sometimes bad writing and directing just can't be recovered from.

This movie is a Cheese Nip. Try to avoid it even if someone has it playing at their house while you're visiting. It's just not worth the time.

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